Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Qld: Altruistic surrogacy to be decriminalised in Qld

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Altruistic surrogacy to be decriminalised in Qld

Premier ANNA BLIGH says she doesn't expect to see thousands of Queensland women becoming
surrogate mothers .. once a ban on altruistic surrogacy has been repealed.

Ms BLIGH's told state parliament today the non-commercial practice will be decriminalised
and regulated .. to help some of the couples who are unable to conceive and bear their
own children.

Queensland is the only Australian state in which altruistic surrogacy is a criminal offence.

The new laws will contain no discrimination on the basis of sex .. meaning same-sex
couples can use a female friend to start a family.

The ban on commercial .. for-profit surrogacy will remain.

AAP RTV jmm/ahe/tm


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