Monday, February 27, 2012

Vic: The main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: The main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers

MELBOURNE, Oct 12 AAP - The main stories in today's Melbourne newspapers


Page 1: Cricket star and war hero Keith Miller has died aged 84.

Page 2: Prime Minister John Howard says retirement is the last thing on his mind after
the Coalition's triumph in the federal election.

Page 3: A 60-year-old woman has jumped onto the back of a huge crocodile to save a
friend who was under attack.

World: US actor Christopher Reeve (Superman) has died aged 52. The final plea of slain
British hostage Ken Bigley has been broadcast on the internet.

Business: Telstra shares rose 3.2 per cent in the wake of the election result. The
Australian stock exchange was busy in the first day of trading after the election with
media companies and Tasmanian logger Gunns higher.

Sport: Keith Miller will be remembered by a generation of Australians as a sporting
hero and the original Australian idol. Collingwood players began their pre-season training
regime yesterday: only 16 days after the grand final.

MORE apw/cjh


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