Saturday, March 3, 2012

Youths head up households in Rwanda

KAYONZA, Rwanda Long before the blistering sun has reared itshead, Ejide Mbarushimana, 15, has begun a day of backbreaking labor.He can be found stripping the rotting bark off the banana trees atthe back of the mud-and-thatch hut where he lives, or digging up theaggressive weeds that threaten to strangle his fruit crop.

After he has finished this chore, he prepares a meal of mashedbananas and beans for his three brothers, ages 13, 11 and 7. On somedays, the younger children go to school; on others, Ejide sends themto scour nearby fields for sorghum so the boys can have somethingdifferent to eat for supper.

For three years, Ejide - whose parents are presumed …

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